Available Blnk features.

Here's what we've built so far, and what is to come.
The Blnk Ledger
Advanced open-source financial backend for recording and tracing all transaction operations happening in your application.
Blnk Cloud
Deploy instances, see real-time insights detect transaction anomalies, and reconcile your transactions
Blnk Plugins
Extend the functionality of your ledger by building your own custom plugins or installing from our plugin directory.

The Blnk Ledger

Ledgers & ledger balances

Create ledgers
Use your ledgers to group your ledger balances and internal balances for easier navigation/reference.
Create ledger balances
Ledger balances are used to represent all store of value in Blnk. Only balances can send or receive transactions.
Asset classes
Represent any asset class or currency on Blnk (fiat, crypto, etc.), ensuring that amounts are recorded in their lowest unit.
Balance monitoring
Keep an eye on one or more balances at the same time. Get notified immediately its condition is met.
Adjusting balances
Fix errors in your balances and adjust your ledger balances to reflect the correct position and compute the correct balance.
Closing balances
Close a ledger balance by zeroing its total balance and move it to another ledger balance.
Reconcile and balance your ledger records with your external bank account statements.


Record a transaction
Accurately record a transaction between balances in your organization, or with an external account.
Ensure that your amounts are recorded precisely to the smallest unit using precision.
Multiple sources
Send money from multiple source balances at the same time to a single destination.
Multiple destinations
Send money from a single source balance to multiple destination balances at the same time.
Refund transactions
Wrong transaction? Easily process refunds between two balances using the id of the original transaction.
Schedule transactions
Post a transaction to be applied / processed at a specified later date.
Successfully post a transaction to a source balance without enough funds, allowing your ledger to hold negative balances.
Inflight transactions
Place conditions on your transactions, preventing them from being applied until the conditions are met.
Applying rates
Use rates to send money between balances with different currencies.

Search Blnk

Query parameters
Use to provide the query text you want to search for in your Ledger.
Filtering parameters
Filters allow you to refine your search results based on specific values or ranges in your data.
Sorting parameters
Sorting allows you to order your search results. You can sort by up to three fields — separating each field with a comma.
Pagination parameters
Pagination helps you handle large search results by allowing you break the data into more manageable chunks or pages.

Blnk Cloud

Create instance
Create one or more instances of the Blnk Ledger and deploy them on Blnk.
Pay-as-you-go pricing
Only pay for your deployed instance when you are processing transactions.
Enjoy auto-backups of your ledger data to mitigate the risk in the event of a data loss or security issue.
Data Tables
View a table visualization of your ledger, ledger balances and transactions. Easily search through data from the dashboard.
Advanced reports & smart insights
Enjoy a detailed report of everything happening inside your ledger. Query your ledger using AI and get smarter insights to help you make decisions.
Anomaly detection
Get notified and quickly find issues when something off is happening within your ledger, ledger balance or on a transactions.

Developer tools

Installing Blnk

Blnk installation
Install Blnk on your local machine by cloning its open-source repository and setting it up on your machine.
Enable HTTPs
Deploy your Blnk server with HTTPs and protect your data and ensure the privacy and integrity of information exchanged between your server and its clients.
Secure your server
Run your Blnk server in secure mode and implement best practices for maintaining a secure environment.
Load testing
Use load testing to ensure that your Blnk deployment can handle expected traffic and maintain performance under various conditions.

Deploying Blnk

Rest API
Easily interact with your Ledger via our secure and scaleable endpoints of our Rest API.
API secret key
Authenticate your requests to the ledger. Easily generate a new one whenever you need to.

Handling notifications

Webhook events
Receive real-time notifications about crucial transaction events happening in your ledger.
Connect Slack to yor Blnk Ledger and receive notifications in a dedicated Slack channel.

Blnk CLI tool

Install the CLI tools to improve your development workflow while working with Blnk.
Secure instance connection
Connect and manage instances locally/remotely using their url and their secret key.
View your financial data
View all ledgers, balances, and transactions happening in your connected instance.
Manage plugins
Use the CLI tool to install and manage public plugins on your ledger.

Data integrity and safety

Transaction hashing
Blnk leverages SHA-256 hashing to ensure that every transaction is securely recorded, verifiable, and immutable.
Backup to Disk/Amazon S3
Set up backup for your Ledger to a local disk or cloud storage to ensure your data is kept safe.
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Want to learn about fintech best practices? Come chat with professionals and experts from around the world, learning and sharing for free.
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We are open-source.
Download and own your ledger infrastructure with our open-source ledger. Our ledger is constantly being improved and battle-tested by our community.
Go to Github

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